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5 Reasons Dietitians Love Wild Planet Wild Tuna

With so many different tuna brands to choose from, how do you know which brand is for you? Today on the blog, we've invited award-winning Whole30 certified coach & registered dietitian-nutritionist, Whitney Stuart, to share her top 5 reasons why she and other dietitians love Wild Planet Wild Tuna!

 Let’s be clear, not all fish are a quality tuna steak. However, with the rise of quality sourcing companies, like Wild Planet, they're making an effort to sustain the nutrient value within their catch! In addition to that, I'm sharing 5 reasons why I choose Wild Planet Wild Tuna. 1. Versatile in flavor Tuna is so versatile. Tuna cakes, tuna salad, tuna casserole. The protein, with a good spice profile, can be the highlight of your lunch. Or, if you’re bold like me, breakfast.

2. Low in mercury

Wild Planet only sources pole and line as well as troll-caught tuna. Huh? These are the young and small whippersnappers with lower levels of mercury as compared to older and larger tuna. Their products average mercury levels six times lower than the FDA “Action Limit”. 3. Protein-rich A girl can only eat so much chicken. And turkey. And tilapia. Creativity and flavor is the key to a healthful balanced diet. With tuna, there are more options, and I never feel deprived!

4. Portable

I may not be popular with my traveling choice, but I would rather be nourished than hangry and inflamed. This is my favorite recommendation for busy clients; especially my mamas who need something quick and easy. Plus, DHA in low-mercury containing seafood, aids in healthy brain and eye development. 5. Anti-inflammatory This fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps your heart’s function up to par and improves your arteries’ integrity. Get pumped, ladies! Let’s use that strong muscle for good. I’ve rounded up a few of my dietitian-approved favorites for you to try this week! Easy, simple and nutrient-filled. Just the way I like it.

Now that you've heard from Whitney, we'd like to hear from you! Tell us why you love Wild Planet Wild Tuna in the comments below!
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